(updated 7/22/2024)
Hello again,
Thanks for checking back in! All is well on the health front and I am back to work with my normal schedule! In other exciting news: I have moved my office! I am now working at my new home office: I look forward to welcoming you to my new space.
Take care,
(updated 4/8/2024)
Hello Beloveds,
Thanks for visiting: I have exciting news to share!
My surgeries went very well and my recovery has been stellar! I’ve received so much love, care, support and generosity from so many folks: THIS has all been a huge part of my “recovery cocoon” and I’m getting close to emerging! Thank you to all of YOU have been a part of my recovery support: it has been profoundly precious to allow myself to receive all the care and love from you.
I’m planning on returning to work in early May: I have opened up my online scheduler, so you may now book online! Feel free to book at your convenince here: https://ridgwaywholenessmassage.com/book/
Or, if it works better for you, please know that you may always contact me by text/phone directly at 303-726-2807 to book your sessions.
In the spirit of springs arrival, let’s welcome all our new beginnings while holding deep gratitude for what has been,
looking forward to seeing YOU soon!
(updated 12/2023)
Hello my dear friends,
Thanks for checking in! This is where I will be posting any health updates for the near future.
As many of you already know, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer at the end of August 2023. Gratefully, my care team and I have determined that this is highly treatable and recoverable. I have already had the tumor removed. I am not a candidate for chemo or radiation. However, since I carry the BRCA2 gene mutation, I will be receiving prophylactic surgeries in January and March. Thus, I will be taking a medical leave of absence beginning January 2024, with the hope that I’ll be fully back to work by April-ish. Check back here for any updates as we get closer to April!
Since I’m not yet sure how my recovery from these surgeries will go, I’ve not opened up my on-line scheduler for 2024. Please check back in with the website periodically as I will open that up as soon as possible.
If you are seeking referrals for other local-area bodywork practitioners during my medical leave of absence, please feel free to reach out by text at 303-726-2807. It may take me a few days to get back to you, but I’ll be happy to connect you with some wonderful bodyworkers.
Take good care,
much love,